A Responsible Art Market in Practice


Friday, 1 February 2019
8:30 am–1:00 pm

On 1 February 2019, the Responsible Art Market Initiative held its third annual conference titled “A Responsible Art Market in Practice”.

Chaired by experienced art market journalist and author Georgina Adam, RAM’s third conference focused on the practical aspects of a Responsible Art Market.

With insights from seasoned art market professionals and building on RAM’s Art Transaction Due Diligence Toolkit launched in 2018, a series of case studies illustrated how ‘risk-based’ due diligence measures can help art businesses and collectors navigate challenging and complex situations.

Following adoption of the 5th European Anti-Money Laundering Directive and other regulatory developments in the past year, our expert speakers also considered what this means in practice for art businesses in Europe, Switzerland and the United States.

The full program is available for download here. Media and advertising enquiries can be sent to info@responsibleartmarket.org.

Thanks to the kind support of artgenève, conference participants received a complimentary entry to the artgenève salon d’art.


Available downloads
Case Studies
Case Studies – Presentation
Philippe Davet – Presentation




Media and publications
The Antiquities Coalition Blog



Georgina Adam

Philippe Davet

Carine Decroi

Justine Ferland

Roland Foord

Sandrine Giroud

Suzanne Gyorgy

Mathilde Heaton

Aude Lemogne

Nicholas M. O’Donnell

Jean-Bernard Schmid

Andreas Ritter

Irina Tarsis


With the support of


In collaboration with