RAM’s Fourth Annual Conference (Geneva, 31 January 2020)


We are delighted to invite you to the fourth Responsible Art Market Initiative conference on Friday, 31 January 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland:


Chaired by François Curiel, renowned and experienced auctioneer and Christie’s chairman of Europe, RAM’s fourth conference will focus on the authentication of works of art with the launch of RAM’s Guidelines for Experts Authenticating Works of Fine Art and a series of related country guides.

Illustrated by case studies, this seminar will discuss the issues which arise when conducting art expertise and highlight its importance, as well as the challenges and limits of conducting and relying such an expertise. Seasoned experts and professionals will share their insights and experience to understand an authentication’s value and its implications for the art market.

With implementation of the 5th European Anti-Money Laundering Directive requiring art businesses to conduct anti-money laundering measures, a panel of experts will compare the situation in the United Kingdom, France and Switzerland and consider what it means for art businesses in practice.

New this year: the conference will be followed by a lunch.


You may register for this conference until 24 January 2020 by clicking here. The full program is available for download here. Media and advertising enquiries can be sent to info@responsibleartmarket.org.


Available downloads
Welcome & opening remarks
Rams Guideline for Expert Athentification Works of fine Art and other updates
Expert Liability
The 5th European Anti-Money Laundering Directive: Selected Questions on National Implementations.


Sarah Allen

Katharina Ammann

Anne Laure Bandle

Anne-Claire Bisch-Saffioti

Rudy Capildeo

Sarah Charles

François Curiel

Catherine Denoun

Catherine Duret

Sandrine Giroud

Mathilde Heaton

Sharon Hecker

Aude Lemogne

Anne-Sophie Nardon

Megan Noh

Marc-André Renold

Rakhi Talwar

Ralph Wyss


With the support of

In collaboration with